10 Aug 2007

nearly finished the before part of it all

and the organisation continues, as of today i know have my tickets paid for in full and collected, along with my passport (such a pretty picture) and the hostel booked in frankfurt. it's kind of a relief not having to worry about any of this stuff anymore. all that needs to be done now is get my injections for travelling and get my visa sorted. i have to say, it's all coming along nicely. i think this kind of rushed organisation is a better way to do things for me. for years i've been trying to get away and travel the world, and every time i've tried to something got in the way. either the people i was intending to go away with changed their minds, money was never abundant enough or just the usual bullshit that stops you from doing anything you want to. but this... ah what a godsend! all in the space of about one month i've got it all sorted. who would have thought that i could do this? i can tell you now that i wouldn't have thought it was possible. sure i've toyed with the idea, there was a time when i wanted to go to japan and another when i wanted to go to the uk, but they never seemed to get off the ground. however now i find myself on the verge of a great journey. i don't mean this in a 'i really learned something over that summer' kind of way. i mean literally. i'm going to the other side of the world and i have no idea what i'm doing. now the fear is over with it's excitement and wonder that fills me.

the first stop on this crazy journey is frankfurt. all i know about frankfurt is that it's about an hour north of where i intend to live for a while and looks like a very modern city. all the photos i've seen just show skyscrapers along a massive river or little quaint houses around a cobbled stoned courtyard. kinda what i imagine japan to be, completely modern and yet completely traditional all at once. i'll be staying here for 3 days in the frankfurt hostel. the address is kaiserstrasse 74 DE-60329 Frankfurt am Main, which i have to say means absolutely nothing to me. all i know is that after something like a 30 hour flight with a 7 hour stopover in hong kong, i get on a train at 7am and go 3 stops to Hauptbahnhof, which i think means some kind of train station. either way, when the sleep deprivation kicks in it's gonna be one hell of a ride just to get some sleep.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember, scheiser means shit; scheiser kopf means shithead, schwartzkopf means blackhead and scheisen hausen means shithouse :)