28 Feb 2008

best website ever

nothing more needs to be said other than what's in the title. click here and enjoy. you wont regret it.


Fletch said...

I like McClane better, but doesn't Bauer have better credentials? Sad to say, but it's true.

Why is "sexy" one of your post labels? TRying to stir up traffic? ;)

t j adams said...

i have a fetish for bauer, but i think mcclane's 'every-man-ness' would do better at the polling booth. i personally think they should run together with bauer as vice. if there's any problem bauer cold just sort them out, off the books of course.

...and about sexy. there's two reasons. 1) i thought i would pay homage to that TLC album, you know 'crazy, sexy, cool,' but i forgot that blogger alphabetises them. and 2) i was kinda drunk having just come home from the irish pub i work at. free german beer! how could anyone say no?

Fletch said...

What on earth would posess anyone to pay homage to TLC? Don't go chasin' waterfalls...

t j adams said...

again i say, 'free german beer.' i have done many things that defy logic or common decency (is that an oxymoron?) while drunk and this just goes down as another, albeit less embarrassing than my usual output. many nights of drunken singstar spring to mind instantly. i had the top score with shannon nolls' 'what about me' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqyIwZpr5y0 and the scorpions 'wind of change' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taVW8Kv2HcQ *shudder*