30 Sept 2008

saturn returning

i am coming home in a few weeks. yes that's right, i am heading back to my beloved melbourne. it's been almost one year since i chucked the city life in and moved to a quieter, and some would say somewhat confusing, little hamlet called heidelberg. don't get too excited mum and dad, i am only coming back for two weeks before heading off once again to my new adopted hometown. in flight terms, that's 14 days i'll be out of germany and three or four of those days will be spent travelling. (i still haven't worked out time zones and flight schedules. there's a reason i studied english lit and publishing and gave my old nemesis math the boot.) so all in all, i guess i'll be home for about ten days. it's good enough for me, for even though i love germany and the whole european thing (my on again/off again love for germans not withstanding) there are a few things from australia, particularly melbourne, that cannot be beat.

1. i love my coffee and german coffee is not that good, or at least no where near as delicious as melbourne coffee.

2. oh how i long for things such as cordial, a sausage roll, a lamb roast and a good ol' fashioned aussie bbq. (i went to a french bbq here one weekend and was disgusted. there was no no meat, just little bits of chicken wings and no real beer. who has a bbq without 2 slabs of beer and half a cow?)

3. family and friends. even though i've made some brilliant friends over here who i love and i will be friends with for a long long time, there is no substitute for those nearest and dearset who you've known for what seems like forever. plus, not having any family here has been hard at times. not too hard, cause they're only a phone call away, but a voice on the other end of a phone is one thing, an actual face is another.

4. my foriegn dvds. i know it's a trite entry, but i have gone a year without being able to watch anything that isn't in english. i can't watch my asian martial arts movies, manga/anime, french and italian horror movies and i can't even watch anything in spanish or portugeuese that alexis wants to show me, cause the germans either dub everything or only have german subtitles. grrrr... of course this would be sort of okay if i actually could speak german, but even then i don't want to have to pause a film to reach for my dictionary. (although i did watch a film that was half english/half german a few months ago and i didn't do too bad. i understood what was going on, not explicitly what was said, but i could follow it.)

5. and of course my dearest love melbourne. god how i miss that city.

but all of this will go away the instant i get up the morning of my flight. as i board the train to frankfurt i know that i'll start missing heidelberg, maybe not as much as melbourne, but there'll definately be a little something in my heart that's left behind here. even if it is for only two weeks. or ten days.


Tim Norton said...

OMFG I'm so happy.
Lefa and I were just saying yesterday that we missed you.
Good timing too - we just moved into our new house, so if you need somewhere to stay while getting your feet back, there is a bed here for you.

t j adams said...

hi-yo timmy! i'm only back for i think maybe 11 or 12 days in total. i'm not sure exactly cause the ticket to return to germany hasn't been purchased. all i know is that i have to be back for work on the 31st. if time permits, i would love to come and check out your new digs, otherwise i am at least demanding tea and cake somewhere.