8 Dec 2007

drinks and dancing ahoy

tonight i'm going out clubbing in mannheim. apparently we are going to one of the biggest clubs in this region of germany. it should be fun and i am promised there is to be no gluhwein anywhere. it's funny how i've gone from loving that sweet sweet elixir to being completely wary of it. anyway, the night is starting with me cooking dinner. a chicken and creamy sauce with spinach and cheese ravioli. then a few beers. probably kronfels (i translated this page through google so i hope it works!), as it's very cheap and comes in half litre bottles. wash all that down with a few jagermeister shots and then off we go.

it will be interesting though, as we have to catch the train to mannheim from heidelberg and then a quick cab ride from the station. it reminds me of being at home - a few drinks followed by that train/tram ride where you hope that you've drunk enough to still be feeling it once you've gone from essendon to st kilda. if we time it just right it should take a little less time to get to mannheim than it would to get to st kilda, but german transport being what it is, we could end up in frankfurt or even strasbourg again. hope not, as the alcohol will not last that length of time. unless we somehow get the fancy fast train and sneak some jagermeister in for the journey.

anyhow, i hope all goes well, because this will be my first time out in mannheim that wasn't just to see a movie, do something fancy or just shop. i'm pretty excited, but not too much. i don't want to burn out early and these clubs look and sound awesome. jungle, house, crazy euro style dance and everything in between. i only hope that i can find good enough clothes to go out with. the washing machine is still being unhelpful and it's starting to get cold out. oh well, a few jagermeisters and i wont even realise what's going on. now, all that's left to do is eat some dinner, get drunk and avoid gluhwein like the plague.

i'll let you all know how it goes.


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