24 Feb 2008

i've found work

so i've started working. big motherfucking relief that is. i've been here four months and i've finally gotten a job. if you're wondering what i'm doing, i'll tell you in german. ich bin arbeiten als einen Kellner bei eine IrischKneipe.

it's not that hard to work out, but for those with language troubles or if i've made a mistake (which i do constantly when using my german) it says that i am working as a waiter in an irish pub. yes i found one of the only professions where i don't need to speak german. although i've only worked three shifts so far and i have used german. once because they couldn't speak english and we threw nouns at each other; the second time they were spanish and it seemed easier to work in a language neither of us were familiar with; and thirdly when i didn't want to talk to someone and wanted them to think i was german. oddly enough, this guy was asian and wanted to know where the bathroom was. he said pointing to a door, 'entshuldigung, Sie bathroom.' which basically means, excuse me, you (formal) bathroom. i had to stop myself from giggling and had to remind myself that i must speak like that when i'm drunk too. but i responded with a polite, 'ja, dat ist das toiletten.' (yes, that is the toilet.)

but enough making fun of people, there's going to plenty of time for that, as every second week is known behind the bar as american week. you see they get paid fortnightly and always come in to waste their money on beer. can't wait. odd thing is though, or so i've been told, the americans will always try to speak german at you even when they know you aren't german, while the germans will try english when they know you speak it. i've already seen this happen. an american said to me, 'ein bier bitte.' (a beer please) to which i responded, in my most australian of accents, 'yes, which one, mate.' he looked at me, i stared back blankly and calmly. then he said, 'ein bier... ahhh... guiness, bitte' i smiled and said okay. i seriously thought i'd just have to smile and walk off to pour whatever beer i felt like, then pretend i don't speak english when he questioned it. but enough talking crap for now, i have german homework to do. yes i've enrolled in a course. been doing it for three weeks now. i'm a lot closer to understanding german, but i still find it difficult to put together a sentence. allthough it is gettting easier the more i know. just don't ask me about the gender of things. it's retarded and stupid. i'll post some homework on here one day soon and you'll understand what i'm talking about. it's a killer.


ps as for my previous post about things to do in the new year, i can now mark off three. i'm learning german, i have a job and i've made some german friends. but i'll talk about my new friends later andone particular drunken night of free alcohol and clubbing that my german school put on. just as totally random info for you, my school is called F+U. no one else finds it amusing, but every time i hear it i think fuck you. hehehe...


C N Heidelberg said...

You crack me up, man. First you complain that you never hear Americans ordering or greeting in English, and now you complain that at a bar, they try to order in German? I for one wouldn't assume that everyone working at an Irish bar spoke English; do they?

Enjoying the blog; keep it up!

t j adams said...

well to be honest i have nothing against americans, maybe on some foreign policy issues from america and such, but that isn't them it's their government. i have many more issues with my own country's government, but alas what can you do. i wouldn't call this one complaining though. more an amusing anecdote. the first one just an observation after being in frankfurt - there's a huge difference between being in frankfurt and being in heidelberg. h-town is a very multi-cultural city and people don't seem to care where you're from, which is the complete opposite to frankfurt. i have some friend's who have had terrible experiences in frankfurt. i myself have noticed the big diffference when people assume i'm american and change dramatically when they found out i'm an aussie. but i'm glad you aren't offended by my ramblings. when i keep seeing the US bases and soldiers in full get up with big fuck off guns it's a litle hard to not have a tinge of anti-US senitment creep in.