15 Sept 2007

need to vent

so i have less than a week left at work and just over a week left in melbourne. the nerves are pretty much non-existent. to be honest with you, i'm more nervous about organising a visa than actually leaving the country. this, or so i am told, is pointless worrying. everybody has said to me that the visa stuff is easy and you'll have enough money and blah, blah, blah... but i don't care what they have to tell me about visas and their trips because none of them have ever gone to where i'm going. sure getting a visa in such and such a place was easy and they didn't check all your references and bank accounts. i'm sure it was sweet as pie to be allowed to go here and there and work without the fear of being stopped by custom officials and being denied. but i'm going to germany - it's where the nazis come from. they may be a little stricter when it comes to things like visas. so i am slightly worried yes.

what i am not worried about is actually being there. i have been told by many a person that when they did this, or they did that, they freaked out, cried or were just plain scared. i am not one of those people. i do not find new situations, people, languages or cultures terrifying. i find them fascinating and unbelievably interesting. i would love it if every month i could wake up with a new place to discover and explore. i am sick to death of being told that when i do this, or when i do that, i will behave in such a way or be homesick because that's how you felt when you did this or that. WRONG. when i do this or that i will feel completely different from how you felt because i am not you and therefore experience things differently. for fuck sake people, i've lived all over the east coast of australia by myself and have been independent for over 10 years now. i think i know how to handle and deal with the things that life throws at you, whether i'm in another country or this one.

so in closing to my rant and vent, quit telling me how i will feel, stop telling me about your trips here and there that have nothing to do with mine just so you can relive your glory days as a stinky backpacker (remember i hate hippies and backpackers - check my myspace rant for evidence of this), quit trying to tell me about what happened when you went there when you spent maybe a weekend on the other side of the god damned country to where i'm going, and stop telling me shit that you found out there like i find it interesting that you're ruining my surprise.

rant over

and by the way, yes i am very aware that i had a freak-out blog written below, but that was not in relation to going to germany, it was more due to the fact that i effectively quit my current life and the repercussions of that. it has nothing to do with going overseas (okay maybe the flying part), but all to do with the fact that i quit my 'career' on a whim and the word of someone i have never met in person. but more about that in a later post.

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