17 Dec 2007

change for the sake of change

you might have noticed a couple of small changes on here. firstly i now have a picture of me on here. at first i didn't want to do that, i wanted to stay somewhat anonymous. i'm not too sure why, it was just a gut instinct to hide myself on the net when i started. being invisible allows you certain freedoms, ie the ability to pick something apart totally and give bad reviews to places or events without and kind of backlash in the real world. other than that, it just felt like the right thing to do. however, i am now back tracking on this decision and am putting a 'sort of' recognisable picture of me looking out over the town of heidelberg from the schloss. i decided that i needed to give a more personal look to this blog and hence the picture. plus, as a total starfucker and camera whore, i want people to recognise me from this blog in the unlikely event that anyone from heidelberg germany reads this thing. i seriously doubt anyone would as it's sort of too diary/i'm on holidays for the general public to be that interested. plus i don't think i'm that exciting of a person that people would want to read my censored exploits on here. if anyone, in the most unlikely event, does live in heidelberg and reads this, if you ever see me down the hauptstrasse at a pub come over and, after explaining yourself of course, buy me a drink and i'll be sure to tell you about the things that have omitted from this blog due to varying reasons.

second change, is that i now, in my list of blogs people should read, have a small explanation of what the blog entails. it looks a bit wordy, but if you're reading blogs, then you shouldn't be afraid of words. or else why are you reading to start with?

and lastly, in an attempt to start making any kind of money on this damn thing i have added a 'news' feed thinger under my generic photos of heidelberg. just click the titles at the top and the articles will change. any ideas for other topics are welcome, but just to let you know, anything that includes something a little un-PC or dirty will get a giggle from me and then be forgotten about.

if you don't like the changes let me know. if you like them let me know as well. i'm all for praise and criticism, well mostly praise. and if you feel like donating to the 'keep TJ of the streets' campaign just click the adds and news articles till your finger aches!!!

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