18 Oct 2007

a brand new day

i slept pretty well last night. i was going to go out and either see a rock band from sweden or go to a metal club/bar that the girl at the counter told me about, but apart from the fact it was on the other side of town, i passed out at around 9:30pm german time (5:30am australian time) and slept for about 10 hours. i guess that just made up for the sleep i missed out on during the trip here. i'm still a little tired, but i can push through that today. as the title says, it's a brand new day and without the sleeping pills effecting me and with a shit load of sleep under my belt, i don't have to fear looking like a junkie or zombie. and who knows, i might even try some of my dodgy- as german.

last night i decided to be boring and have mcdonald's for tea and it was funny trying to order. i asked the girl at the counter, 'sprechen sie englisch?' to which she replied a little. i then said, 'ausgezeischnet!' (that's excellent and spelt wrong. lol) and clapped. she just giggled and then in broken german/english we figured it out. so today is all about getting my bearings and trying out some german. i'll let you all know how it goes. i might head down to the supermarket later, but my real plan is to go on the walking tour of frankfurt at 4pm and take some photos, make some new friends and then maybe convince one or two of said 'new friends' to go for drinks somewhere. i can't keep to myself for much longer otherwise the first person that shows me any kind of friendship is going to have to put up with an out pouring of chatter from yours truly. and anyone who knows me, will know that if that happens i may not stop. haha...

anyway, today is photography and german language day, not to be confused with international talk like a pirate day, or international toilet day. which are real days, but have to have the stigma of not being cool enough for a place on calenders or diaries.

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