10 Oct 2007

family closure and disappointments

so i've been in stink-town now for two weeks and to be honest i haven't really minded it. this is only because i've been hanging with my family and one of my best friends. if it wasn't for them i would have spent the last few weeks in melbourne crashing on people's couches and just being a drunken lunatic. my brother and sister, who are both in high school, have just gone back to school this week so it's been cool to sit around watching tv, mucking around and basically annoying the crap out of both of them. it was funny to note, however, that as soon as i was back i went from being a somewhat adult-acting 28 year old to going straight back to stereotyped big brother. i've stayed up late chatting to mum and dad, and now the kids are all back at school it's been wonderful to sit around and talk to them. i haven't been able to do this for ages as i lived in melbourne and worked on weekends and pretty much had a separate life to them, so the two week stint has been very welcomed, especially because i don't know when i'll be back from germany, or even if i will be coming back.

my extended family i haven't seen much of. my nan and pop both live in stink-town, as does my aunt, but i did think that i'd see them more than i have. i've seen my nan and pop twice, which isn't too bad, but i haven't seen my aunt once, except for her popping her head in the door while i was asleep one morning to say hi before leaving. it is a slight disappointment. although i have been informed that this can be explained - everyone thought that i was staying alot longer than i am. i have no idea where they got that impression from, as everyone knows that this is a hugely rushed and spontaneous trip and that i would never spend too long here. not because i don't like being with my family mind you, but more because i fucking hate this town. hopefully i will see more of my extended family before i go.

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