18 Oct 2007

supermarket? not while there's photos to be taken!?!

i was suppose to go to the supermarket this morning and pick up some things. after a disastrous attempt at going to buy shampoo and conditioner yesterday, (it took me twenty minutes to distinguish the conditioner from other hair care products - i laughed insanely the whole time, and i think the woman behind the counter thought i was high. i would have thought i was high.) this was not a trip i was looking forward to. i was almost fearing it to tell you the truth. i know how to say how much is that? and so forth, so it wasn't going to be too bad, but i just had this feeling i'd be there for hours trying to find the things i needed. and without annoying the staff by having them drag me around like a blind dog, i was walking with some trepidation. however, after asking the guy at reception where the nearest supermarket is i was off. but before you can say zeig heil mein fuhrer! i veered away from the path and was lost in a mass of old-school buildings in the middle of a fancy residential area of frankfurt taking happy snaps of buildings. so i still haven't gone to the supermarket. haha. but i have some brilliant shots, which to be honest isn't that hard when you're in a town that looks like the opening credits to La Law and schindler's list had a fucked up baby.

my walk went for about two hours, which makes my future 2 hour walk with the hostel kind of redundant, but i'm going anyway. it's a chance to see things i missed, get the names of things i saw already (if you are a friend of mine on facebook, look at my frankfurt pics - i have no idea what half the things i was looking at were. they're very pretty though!), and, most importantly, make some new friends. it's kind of hard to do that here, when you're avoiding americans, aussies and everyone else speaks different languages and is afraid to talk. apparently the thing to do is smile and nod and say hi very quickly before running away. i'm not having a go, because i've done it too! (there was this one guy though, and this is a complete by the by, who came in this morning wearing an american jacket with USA written on it and all the stars and stripes and usual fanfare that adorns such patriotic nonsense that america spews. how many friends do think he'll get? i'd wager not many if he keeps that jacket on. is he aware that america bombed the fuck outta this town? that's like going to hiroshima and wearing a USA hoodie. yeah, thanks for the atomic blast, all our children's children have cancer you bastards!)

anyway, two things happened to me on my walk this morning. one amusing and one creepy. the amusing thing is i was mistaken for a german by an old lady. she looked at me at asked for directions in german - a whole lot of german. (before i go on, please be aware that i don't know how to spell big german words. and they have a lot of them) i responded in german by saying, 'enschuldigung, mein duestcher nicht so gut. sprechen sie englisch?' she responded, 'nein.' and then a shitload more german before walking away. now, it was about two blocks down the street when i realised that what i had said was literally, 'apologies, my german woman is not so good.' i giggled to myself and realised hey, she understood me despite my incorrectness so my german can't be that bad. it gave me some hope for later on when i will have no option but to speak german.

the second and creepy thing that happened, was when i was walking through a statue filled park, taking photos and enjoying the serenity, i noticed a guy apparently peeing in the bushes. now i thought nothing of this, because hey, every guy once in a while has had to go the bathroom at a time when there's been no toilets (that's another thing, frankfurt seems to have no public toilets. unless of course they don't have pictures, only words saying toilet? interesting...), but as i was walking past another guy walked past me and straight up to him. now walking guy grabbed a cigarette out of peeing guy's mouth, lit his own cigarette with the end, before putting it back in peeing guy's mouth. nothing that strange, well okay, it is strange, but i'm in europe, so hey, stranger things are bound to happen. now this would have been fine if that's all that happened, but it wasn't. walking guy, from behind, then looks over peeing guy's shoulder and at his dick. he then stands directly beside peeing guy and undoes his pants. peeing guy then smiles and does a 'reach across'. it is this point where i realise peeing guy is actually MASTURBATING GUY!!! now what kind of country is it, where at 11 in the morning you can pick up another man in the thinly spaced bushes of a public park, where people are constantly walking past, none of whom seemed shocked or frightened or disgusted. it was as if this is a normal occurrence here. just to let you know, on the other side of the thinly spaced bushes is a main road. a jam-packed, full of little german cars main road. and anyone who's been to frankfurt knows that if it's a main road, it is a busy as fuck main road. cause everywhere else is one way and incredibly small. think the movie ronin with robert de niro.

anyway, that's it for now. the one thing i learned about germany so far today, is that apparently you can do anything you want and no one cares. which i must say, gives me hope for the future. especially with the nightlife. hehehe...


Anonymous said...

the old reach around hey? Hmm.. they're playing up to the old german stereotype a bit.

Anonymous said...

there is a great lesson to be learnt when traveling to far away places. i dare say that it was more of a shock than a creepy sight. the blog reads well "bluey"